Arlaysha Osborn

I am a

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Junior Software Developer

I am a recent Software Development graduate from SkilledKC Technical Institute, in Kansas City, MO. I am honored to have been apart of the inaugural cohort for Software Development! I also have obtained a Certificate of Web Development from University of Missouri-Kansas City, School of Computing & Engineering.

I have full stack experience but I am very interested in Front-End Development. I absolutely love to create, research, and design!


  • Familiar with full stack application development in JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB and Mongoose, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Visual Code Studio, Atlas
  • Version control using Git, GitHub, Project management using Trello
  • Web Development using WordPress
  • MacOS, Windows, Visual Studio Code, Terminal
  • Soft Skills including Flexibility, Communication, Adaptability, Initiative, Curiosity, Observation, and dealing with Uncertainty.

Days In A Year To Make A Difference


Hours In A Year To Start Brand New


Hours A Day To Choose Your Story

Unlimited Possibilities


In 2020 I made the exciting decision to begin a career as a Software Developer. Because of this career switch much of my work history comes from completely different industries than the one in which I am currently pursuing, however some basic fundamentals are the same no matter what. Working as a part of a team towards a common goal, meeting deadlines while maintaining efficiency, remaining productive in stressful or rapidly changing environments, and always being willing to continue to learn and explore.

Certificate Of Software Development

Skilled KC Technical Institute 2020-2021

The Software Development program was an intensive full-time, five-month training. 36 hours a week in classroom learning through lecture, group projects, individual assignments, testing, and an ongoing Capstone Project.

  • Coursework in Introduction to Web Development, HTML and CSS, JavaScript, Introduction to REST APIs, Backend Engineering, and a Capstone.
  • Developed full stack web applications individually and in teams.
  • Worked in Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB and Mongoose, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, and vanilla JavaScript.
  • Worked in an agile team environment in multiple roles.
  • Created requirements documents and translated them into project management workflows.
  • Worked in Trello and GitHub for version control and to collaborate with teams

Web Development Fundamentals Certificate of Completion

University of Missouri-Kansas City, School of Computing & Engineering-Continuing Education 2021

Instructor led 4-month training course including group and individual assignments

  • Coursework in WordPress, JavaScript, Jquery, HTML, and CSS.

Design Experience

Freelance 2016- Present

  • Creating and selling custom marketing material for small business owners, primarily in the work from home call center business.
  • Provided Logos and Brand color packaging if requested
  • For most of the material I created the ad text for my customers as well.
  • Created social media profile pictures to give a professional look for business pages, Business page cover photos, job ads, and custom social media graphics.
  • Recommended and consulted with clients on the most appropriate graphic design.

My Projects

Here are a few projects that I built while learning and exploring

WordPress Website Redesign

The assignment was to pick a local non-profit whose website needed an upgrade and redesign it in WordPress. I created a new transparent logo for the site using Canva with the concept of making the existing logo cleaner and more flexible. I used a Divi Theme but also coded the contact form in Javascript, CSS, and HTML for additional experience. The content was pulled from a combination of their social media sites as well as their website. Also a few Royalty free stock images for a cleaner look.

Full Stack Application - Group Project

Group Capstone Project to combine skills learned during Software development Certification. During the last 2 months of class, My partner and I developed a full stack web application using Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB and Mongoose, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, vanilla JavaScript and Google Maps API. The application features a database of over 150 local producers, farmers markets, and community resources stored in the database and called onto the page by category. Each resource is also mapped onto the working Google Maps API

See The Code Here For the Full Stack Application

project Screenshot

Fizzbuzz Lab assignment to demonstrate use of looping, logical operators, and switch or if else statements.

FizzBuzz Github Link
See The Code Here

project Screenshot
Temperature Converter

Temperature Lab assignment to create a form that converts a temperature input in Fahrenheit to Celsius and displays the value in its original units and in the converted units

Temperature Converter Github Link
See The Code Here

project Screenshot
Website Redesign - Group Project

This was a group project to take an existing or fictional website for a business and redesign it. Our Fictional business that we created is a shipping company for Chewbacca and Hans Solo. We took a basic bootstrap template designed for shipping and redesigned it, added pages, and original site text.

Website Redesign Github Link
See The Code Here
